Friday, October 13, 2006

Mods And More Mods

2 mods today:

CodeSaver (DaemonCollector):

This sweet mod makes the text for the code type itself onto the screen. It also has configuration options for text color, and code location. While the "debug" mode didn't work for me (Vista B2), word has it that on XP enabling that feature causes it to open random binaries and print the ASM! Wow!

JediHoneyPot (Chris):
I added a configuration window to change the Port while the program is running.
I also added in an "Admin" page that will list the IP's of anyone
hitting your honey pot inside a message balloon, modify the
"AnAppADay.JediHoneyPot.AdminPage.htm" to change how it looks.
There is also an option to set the location of the admin page,
"http://site:port/adminpage/", I'd recommend it be changed to
something unique so that only the owner can see the admin page, that
too is able to be changed while the program is running.

Both text boxes in the configuration window have tooltips.

I added a tool tip to the Notify Icon, now it shows "Total hits: 12 -
Unique hits: 8" on mouse-over, just a simple count of how many hits
the honey pot has gotten so far.


At 10/13/2006 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I coudn't find where to email you. But I had an interesting one for you to work on sometime in the near future. How about an app that let's you map the middle mouse button (a.k.a. Wheel button) to any key on your keyboard? [like backspace, enter or any of the Function keys

At 10/13/2006 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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